Author: Investigative Post, Geoff Kelly
Published: 4:28 PM EDT May 8, 2023
Updated: 11:23 PM EDT May 9, 2023
Audio recordings of Clover Group executives purport to show an effort to build apartment complexes only in predominantly white enclaves
BUFFALO, N.Y. — When the Clover Group — one of the region’s biggest real estate development and management firms — reviews potential building sites for senior citizen apartment complexes, it pays careful attention to what its executives call “the Canadian factor.” When the firm’s executives talk about “Canadians,” however, they’re using a code — for Black people. And those executives know the company’s leadership isn’t interested in building housing where there’s a lot of them. That’s according to a lawsuit filed today in federal court by a former Clover employee who recorded the company’s executives talking about its use of racial demographics to determine where they’ll invest — sometimes in coded language, sometimes explicitly. You can read the full story on Investigative Post's website.